geek by nature,
user by choice
believe in Freedom including Freedom to make mistakes and learn from it
Emacs Addict
Linux Expert
Opensource Lover
Rails Enthusiast
Software Engineer
Winner of Ncell App Camp in Tourism from "Team Lipi" [Dec 11, 2014]
First Prize in Leapfrog Hackathon for "3D Visualization" [Jun 1, 2014]
I also write some tech. blogs as guides, so that others dont suffer the same problems that i did.
I am available for hire.
Of course a rapid web development with Ruby On Rails. And with TDD of course.
All those devops thing to host ruby frameworks like Rails, sinatra, and python frameworks like django, flask and bottle.
Especially e-commerce sites.
Develop custom gems for ruby including extensions for libraries like spree and others.
Want a custom jquery plugins, for example a jquery ui plugin of your desing. Contact now.
I can crawl any site that is crawlable
This is an awesome user-friendlier drop-in replacement for the standard <select> with multiple attribute activated.