How to begin emacs

Want to configure the most awesome editor in minutes

Posted by @krazedkrish on December 22, 2015

You have already installed the most awesome editor called emacs. And you have just opened it disappointed to find that it has nothing.

If you are reading this blog then Congratulations! You will surely understand why emacs is awesome, unlike the others who gave up on emacs after first try.

How to begin?

This is the question that i get asked a lot. But first

Before you begin…

Well, you need to have some background knowledge, I suggest you read these 10 Essentials first.

You also need a basic understand of buffer, emacs, major mode, minor modes, etc you can learn from the video below

Ok, now back to how to begin? Here is how you do it:

How to begin?

You need to configure emacs in ~/.emacs.d/init.el. What you do is, you include the packages which are the modes and you configure them (like set keybindings, font, width, etc)

There are lots of tools like elpa, melpa, quelpa. But what is suggest you is el-get. Lets do it the easy way.

Easy Way

Step 1

We are going to use the , so I suggest you fork it in github and clone it. You can fork mine [] as well. If your are a pythonista or rubyist you can my clone python, or ruby branch respectively.

$ # here is how you configure mine
$ git clone -b essentials ~/.emacs.d

Step 2

Open emacs, all the packages are going to be installed you might need to restart emacs later.

Step 3

Open ~/.emacs.d/init.el and insert the extra packages you want below the following lines, then restart again:

;; now set our own packages
 '(el-get				; el-get is self-hosting

More Easier Way

There is actually a more easier way, which i actually don't suggest you unless you are a vim user. The more easier way is to use Spacemacs.

Enjoy you new emacs